The commitments WACDTF members make to non-violence, de-escalation, and respect for diversity and difference in our organizational Goals & Guidelines extend to our interactions with other WACDTF members in all settings, not only while escorting at clinics.
- Our obligation as members extends not only to maintaining respectful behavior during conflict and disagreements, but also to supporting other members to find peaceful and courteous resolution to any disputes.
- This can include speaking up regarding needlessly aggressive, offensive, or otherwise unwelcome, unconstructive behavior.
- Members should strive to keep differences of opinion unrelated to WACDTF needs and activities from affecting their ability to work well with fellow members.
- WACDTF members do not reveal participation of other members to non-members without their consent.
- We respect the privacy of members, patients, patient companions and anti-choice protestors.
- We agree to not publish or disseminate private communications between members without all parties consent.
- We do not discuss WACDTF governance and/or leadership discussions outside the organization.
- If a legal obligation to disclose sensitive WACDTF information arises, it will be reviewed by the elected organizers in consultation with the WACDTF member involved.
- WACDTF does not tolerate harassment, discriminatory behavior, or retaliation against members. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are connected to our mission and critical to ensure the well-being of our members and the communities we serve.
- WACDTF members recognize that not all people will agree on what constitutes harassment, and agree to approach the resolution process with good intent and with the goal of de-escalation.
- Disagreement, discussion of sensitive topics, and constructive critique are not harassment.
- Isolated instances of poor behavior or communication may not always rise to the level of harassment, discrimination, or bullying.
- Harassment and discriminatory behavior comes in many forms; a non-exhaustive, illustrative list of behavior that will not be tolerated within WACDTF includes:
- Sending unwanted sexually suggestive comments or requests to other members, via any means.
- Offensive comments to or about another member’s body, attire, private life, sexual orientation or gender identification, race, ethnicity, or religion.
- Unwanted or inappropriate physical contact. Also intrusion on personal space, that is not incidental to pro-choice patient escorting.
- Requests for sexual favors and other conduct of a sexual nature that: has the purpose or effect of interfering with an individual’s participation in WACTDF or creates an offensive, hostile or intimidating environment; or is explicitly or implicitly a condition of volunteering or otherwise affects decisions about a member’s participation in the organization.
- Making negative comments about another member’s personal religious beliefs, or trying to convert them to a particular religious or philosophical view.
- Using racist or bigoted terms, slang, phrases, or nicknames.
- Stereotyping, ridicule or differential treatment of individuals on the basis of their race, ethnicity, religion, ability, citizenship, familial status, or other personal characteristics.
- Making offensive reference to an individual’s mental or physical ability or disability.
- Threats or incitement of violence in any form.
- Personal insults, name calling, shouting at fellow members.
- Complaints of harassment and/or discrimination are not subject to decision-making by consensus, as by their nature involved parties may not share common goals, and the parties may reasonably require more privacy regarding the matter than a broad discussion permits. [See WACDTF’s Complaints process for further information.]
Members engaging in behaviors contrary to the above Standards may be formally or informally reprimanded, required to show understanding of and acknowledgement of the impact of their behavior on others and on WACDTF, removed from their roles in the organization temporarily or permanently, or removed from the organization as a whole. These responses to unconstructive behavior are illustrative rather than comprehensive; WACDTF may determine it is necessary or appropriate to take other actions in response to harassment, bullying, or discrimination.