
New Clinic Escort Training in DC – May 30

New Clinic Escort Training in DC – May 30

We’re setting up our next training session — which will be on Saturday, May 30 at 1:00pm at the Martin Luther King Memorial Library in Northwest DC.  You can visit our training page for more details.

As always, our training sessions are open to all — even if you’d like to find out more information and are not looking to volunteer at this time.  It’s also available as a refresher to anyone who has been a WACDTF escort and gone through training before.

RSVPs are not necessary, but we appreciate them so we can plan accordingly for materials and numbers of trainers.

Feel free to spread the word! If you have any questions or would like to RSVP, you can contact us through the form on our training page.

SMILE — and Support WACDTF!

SMILE — and Support WACDTF!

WACDTF appreciates your support — whether through your dedication to the organization through clinic escorting, through other volunteer tasks, and through your financial support. (We’re a 501(c)(3) non-profit, charitable organization, and your donations are tax-deductible.  Visit our “Donate” page for easy ways to give.)

There’s a new way to help support WACDTF — and it involves shopping at  Through Amazon’s “Smile” program, they are partnering with millions of charitable organizations to provide them with donations based on the purchase price of many of their items.  Participating costs nothing extra for the buyer — all you have to do is select WACDTF as your charitable organization to receive donations.  You can do so by clicking on the banner below:


You can find out more about the AmazonSmile program from their About page.

Every little bit counts. We appreciate your support!

Clinic Escorting in the U.K.

Clinic Escorting in the U.K.

First, an unrelated note:  Our new website went live this week. Thanks to all of you who have tested it and provided feedback!  Be sure to “Contact Us” if you have any comments or questions.

This is a fascinating article from a few days ago:  it follows escort Emma Campbell as she volunteers on her shift at the Marie Stopes Clinic in Belfast.  It’s interesting to see what the climate is like for patients, companions and escorts in a country with far more restrictive laws encroaching upon reproductive rights.  Yet some of the narrative seems quite familiar to those of us who escort in the USA.

“I Get Called a ‘Child Killer’ and a ‘Satanist’ – What it’s Like to Be an Abortion Chaperone in Northern Ireland” 

February WACDTF Training rescheduled — to March!

February WACDTF Training rescheduled — to March!

Hi everyone —

Unfortunately, our February 21 training was snowed out.  It was a tough day to determine what the weather would hold — since the morning showed almost no sign of snow.  But the flakes started falling at around 11:30 — and an hour later (30 minutes before our training was to begin!) MLK Library announced that they’d be closing early. We regret any inconvenience that this caused…

We’ve gone ahead and rescheduled our training to Sunday, March 22 at 1:30pm.  It will take place at MLK Library, Room A-3 in DC — at 901 G. Street, NW.  It’s across the street from the Gallery Pl-Chinatown Metro stop (on the Red, Yellow and Green lines).

As always, RSVPs to [email protected] are appreciated (but not required).

… and it brings up a good question that many folks had:  In case of inclement weather, how will we know if training is still on?  The best bet is to follow us on Twitter for the latest announcements: . We’ll usually defer to the status of the location where training is being held.

We’ll see you on the 22nd! (Unless, of course, we get another blizzard. But we’ll deal with it then…)

November WACDTF Training – Rockville, MD

November WACDTF Training – Rockville, MD

We’re pleased to announce that our November WACDTF Training will be in Montgomery County, MD!

Sunday, November 16
1:00 – 3:00 pm
Rockville Memorial Library
Large Meeting Room
21 Maryland Avenue
Rockville, MD 20850

The Library is a short walk (three blocks) from the Rockville Metro station on the Red Line.

As always — RSVPs are encouraged but not required. Feel free to email us at [email protected] to let us know you’re coming our to ask us any questions.

(You can also see details about our October 18 training in Arlington below.)

October WACDTF Training – Arlington, VA

October WACDTF Training – Arlington, VA

We’ve announced our October 2014 clinic escort training — in Arlington, VA.

Saturday, October 18
2:00 – 4:00 pm
Westover Branch Library
Large Meeting Room
1644 North McKinley Rd
Arlington, VA 22205

The Library is on Metrobus Route 2A — which runs on Saturdays from the Ballston-MU Metro Station on the Orange and Silver Lines.  There is also plenty of parking available close by.

We’re working on a training in Maryland (likely in Rockville) for November — stay tuned!  We’ll announce it here and on Twitter.

As always — RSVPs are encouraged but not required. Feel free to email us at [email protected] to let us know you’re coming our to ask us any questions.

WACDTF-News:  September 2014 edition is out!

WACDTF-News: September 2014 edition is out!

We’re thrilled to release our September 2014 edition of the WACDTF Newsletter!  You can find the latest issue here.

As a reminder — you can subscribe to WACDTF-News or check out our archived back issues (as far back as August 2014) by going here.  We’ll usually only send you one email per month and we won’t share your personal information with anyone else.  You can also unsubscribe at any time.

Questions? Let us know! We can be reached at [email protected]

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