SMILE — and Support WACDTF!

WACDTF appreciates your support — whether through your dedication to the organization through clinic escorting, through other volunteer tasks, and through your financial support. (We’re a 501(c)(3) non-profit, charitable organization, and your donations are tax-deductible.  Visit our “Donate” page for easy ways to give.)

There’s a new way to help support WACDTF — and it involves shopping at  Through Amazon’s “Smile” program, they are partnering with millions of charitable organizations to provide them with donations based on the purchase price of many of their items.  Participating costs nothing extra for the buyer — all you have to do is select WACDTF as your charitable organization to receive donations.  You can do so by clicking on the banner below:


You can find out more about the AmazonSmile program from their About page.

Every little bit counts. We appreciate your support!

Theme: Overlay by Kaira P.O. Box 33896 Washington, DC 20033