October WACDTF Training – Arlington, VA

We’ve announced our October 2014 clinic escort training — in Arlington, VA.

Saturday, October 18
2:00 – 4:00 pm
Westover Branch Library
Large Meeting Room
1644 North McKinley Rd
Arlington, VA 22205

The Library is on Metrobus Route 2A — which runs on Saturdays from the Ballston-MU Metro Station on the Orange and Silver Lines.  There is also plenty of parking available close by.

We’re working on a training in Maryland (likely in Rockville) for November — stay tuned!  We’ll announce it here and on Twitter.

As always — RSVPs are encouraged but not required. Feel free to email us at [email protected] to let us know you’re coming our to ask us any questions.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira P.O. Box 33896 Washington, DC 20033